Certified Resilience Coach

Dr Michael Barton

Industry Focus

Education, Not-For-Profit, Corporate, Academic


Brisbane, Australia

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RFA Instructor
RFAST Presenter
PR6 Toolkit
CReW Partner
HART Instructor

Instructor Bio

Dr Michael Barton is the highly respected Executive Principal at Djarragun College, a leading independent school in Cairns, Australia. With over 25 years of experience in education, Dr Barton is known for his unwavering commitment to providing exceptional learning opportunities for all students, and for his focus on building a culture of excellence and inclusivity within the College community.

Under Dr Barton's leadership, Djarragun College has become recognised as a model for innovative, student-centred education. Dr Barton has championed a range of initiatives to support student learning and wellbeing, including the development of personalised learning plans, the introduction of mindfulness practices, and the establishment of a robust pastoral care program.

Prior to joining Djarragun College, Dr Barton held senior leadership roles at a number of prominent schools in Australia. He holds a EdD in Education from the Australian Catholic University, and is a highly regarded expert in the field of educational leadership and policy.

Dr Barton is deeply committed to supporting the local community, and has played an active role in a range of community organisations and initiatives throughout his career. He is a passionate advocate for social justice and equity, and works tirelessly to ensure that all students have access to high-quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Through his visionary leadership, Dr Barton has transformed Djarragun College into a vibrant and thriving learning community, where students are empowered to achieve their full potential, and where a culture of excellence and inclusion is celebrated and nurtured. 

Dr Michael Barton is a highly experienced and sought-after resilience coach, specialising in helping individuals and organisations to develop the skills and strategies they need to bounce back from adversity and thrive in the face of challenges.



Dr Michael Barton is qualified to deliver:


Certified Resilience Coach (CReC)

Resilience assessment and coaching services available which can range from coaching individuals, through to groups and training throughout larger businesses.

RFA Instructor

Resilience First Aid (RFA) Instructor

Available to host Resilience First Aid Certification workshops, a 2-day Accredited program teaching valuable strength-based language skills.
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RFAST Presenter

Resilience First Aid Starter Training

RFAST is a 2-hour Connected Resilience training course to build mental wellness in groups and individuals, including psychosocial hazard awareness.
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PR6 Toolkit

PR6 Toolkit Coaching

High quality resilience training available across the 6 Domains of Resilience, ranging from short workshops to full interactive days for each resilience domain.

CReW Partner

Certified Resilient Workplace (CReW) Implementation Partner

Available to help your organisation attain and maintain Certified Resilient Workplace status, displaying your commitment to proactive mental health.
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HART Instructor

High Adversity Resilience Training (HART) Instructor

Advanced and Accredited resilience culture training for emergency services, defence, healthcare, and others facing extreme stress.
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